Can I use my Berkey® purification system with water from my softener?

It all depends on the type of softener used. For example, CO2 or magnetic water softeners produce water that is normally fit for consumption (confirm with the manufacturer) and do not pose a problem with Berkey® systems.

However, the most commonly used water softeners work with ion exchangers that convert calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for scale buildup, into sodium. The use of these softeners produces soft but salty water...

The Black Berkey® water filters are designed to eliminate a large number of contaminants as stated in the test results conducted by an independent laboratory. However, they do not remove the minerals originally present in the water and conserve them for the benefit of our bodies. The residual sodium from softened water, present in high concentrations, will not be filtered by the Berkey® system and will end up in your drinking water. Unlike natural mineral salts, this sodium is highly concentrated and is obviously not desirable to consume.

These synthetic salts can also clog the micropores of the filters, which will slow down or even stop the filtration. This could require very frequent maintenance of the filters.

Therefore, for these systems, we do not recommend using softened water from a salt-based water softener to fill your Berkey® purifier.

Note: Some installations are equipped with a by-pass to draw off the water before it passes through the softener. If this is the case, there is no problem using this water for your Berkey water purification systems