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17 articles in the category: Water pollution
Microplastics in tap water: an invisible danger to our health
Published : 01/10/2025 | Categories : Water pollutionWhat risks do microplastics pose to our health, and how can we avoid them?
Lead in Tap Water: An Invisible Danger
Published : 08/07/2024 | Categories : Water pollutionIn this article, we'll explore the sources of lead in tap water, the dangers associated with ingesting it and how Berkey® water filters can help protect your health.
Drinking Water Treatment and Bladder Cancer: The Hidden Danger of THMs
Published : 06/14/2024 | Categories : Water pollutionWhat are trihalomethanes? How are they formed and what is their link to bladder cancer? We'll look at how Berkey® water filters can help you protect your health.
The Danger of PFAS in Drinking Water
Published : 06/10/2024 | Categories : Water pollutionThis article explores the dangers associated with PFAS in drinking water and their origin. These substances have become a major public health and environmental concern.
The dangers of bottled water
Published : 08/02/2023 | Categories : Water pollutionDrinking bottled water, which is very popular, can be dangerous, bad for the environment and not at all economical.
Chlorothalonil pollution of drinking water
Published : 04/14/2023 | Categories : Water pollutionA study by the Anses highlights the pollution of drinking water by pesticides and fungicides, and more specifically by chlorothalonil, a substance that has been banned for several years.
Water pollution due to PFAS
Published : 04/14/2023 | Categories : Water pollutionSadly known as the ‘eternal pollutants’, PFAS, used since the 1950s, are extremely toxic pollutants that have contaminated all environments.
Pollution of rivers with drug residues
Published : 04/14/2023 | Categories : Water pollutionThe vast majority of the world's rivers are polluted with drug residues. Where does this pollution come from, and how serious is it?