Water pollution due to PFAS

Categories : Water pollution

PFAS are a family of several thousand extremely toxic chemical compounds. Used since the 1950s for their waterproof, non-stick and heat-resistant properties, they are used everywhere in industry. They are found in the non-stick coating of certain frying pans, fire-fighting foams, baking paper, certain paints, etc. The result of this massive use is that all environments, without exception, are contaminated. Water, air, soil and the entire food chain. According to a study published in 2019, 100% of the French population is contaminated by these perfluorinated compounds!

These compounds are therefore everywhere, very harmful and extremely persistent, whether in the environment or in our bodies in which they concentrate. They are accused of causing cancer, disrupting the endocrine system, playing a role in raising cholesterol levels, and reducing the response to vaccination (a sensitive issue if we combine this problem with that of COVID-19). And as far as we know, toxic effects appear even at very low doses. This suggests that the next major health scandal is likely to hit France...

Even if Berkey® filters have no action on the presence of this pollutant in the air, they can nevertheless act actively on those present in water. In fact, Black Berkey® filters are over 99% effective on these toxic compounds. Reduce your exposure to PFAS by adopting a Berkey® water purification system, and reduce the very many pollutants present in water at the same time.

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